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Photo by Esparta

Prometheus is a Titan and son of the Titan Iapetus. His brothers are Epimetheus, Atlas, and Menoetius.

Photo by Alpstedt

A story of Prometheus is that he sided with the gods when the gods overthrew Titans and wasn't punished with the other Titans.

He was made in charge of the creation of mankind and ended up stealing fire and tricking Zeus by giving him a bad offering for humans to give him.

Photo by carmen.gb

The humans were punished and Zeus took fire away from them, soon after Prometheus stole the fire back.

Prometheus was punished by being chained to a rock and an eagle came every day to eat his liver. Since he was immortal every night his liver regenerated and every day the eagle came and ate it

Photo by Samurai John

Hercules came and kills the eagle and sets Prometheus free.

Photo by Leo Reynolds

Alfred Nobel made dynamite to help people, which was good but destructive and the Nobel Peace Prize to also help. Prometheus brought fire to the people which helped but was also destructive.

Photo by Solis Invicti

Prometheus. Digital image. Greek Mythology. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 May 2016.

Photo by Meekrok

Cartwright, Mark. Prometheus. Digital image. Ancient History Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 May 2016.