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Prometheus Gives Man Fire

Published on Nov 21, 2015

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Photo by chefranden

Prometheus was the son of Gaea and Uranus. His wife was Arcady. His brother was Epimetheus. Prometheus symbolized humans striving, and risk of over reaching, and unnecessary consequences. His name means foresight.

Photo by _Madolan_

About His Parents
Gaea and Uranus were married in a holy and sacred union, they were the Earth goddess and the sky god. They were inseparable.

Photo by Leo Reynolds

Prometheus Gives Man Fire
Prometheus made men out of clay. At the time there were no women in the Earth. He put bits and pieces of other creature into the clay models to give them traits. He also made some animals. He gave men education. He knew his creations wouldn't evolve without fire. To get fire, he had to steal a spark from Zues, a god who despised all men, and would never allow them to use his precious fire. But Prometheus was kind to men and stole a spark of fire from Zeus. Zeus was furious with Prometheus and decided to punish him.

Photo by Vvillamon

Prometheus Gives Man Fire (part 2)
Prometheus accepted his eternal punishment. Zeus ordered his servants, Kratos and Bia, to chain Prometheus up on a high mountain through hot and cold weather. They sent a falcon to feed on his liver, and have it grow back. Even though Prometheus suffered forever, it was worth it to give man fire.

Major Gods and Goddesses

Zeus was the greatest of the Olympian gods, and the father of gods. He was the son of Cronos and Rhea, and a brother of Poseidon, Pluto, Hestia, Demeter and Hera.

Photo by Dorron

Life Lesson
This myth teaches us that making sacrifices for the greater good of man sometimes ends in punishment. No deed goes unpunished.