What is a prophet? A prophet is somebody who is regarded as an inspired teacher or proclaimer of the will of God and speaks the word of God. They speak of someone who is destined to do good things.
I have chosen the prophet of Jesus because he is an inspirational person that everyone knows, and everyone has heard of all the amazing things he achieved in his life.
Jesus became a prophet by the miracles he performed. He healed many people from near death sicknesses. These stories of Jesus got around and more people started to hear about him and started to look up to him. Everything he did was in the name of God and that's how people saw him as a prophet.
Jesus's 3 main themes he talked about were trust in God and good things will come. Love God and Love your neighbour. And the third thing he talked about was he told people stories and those got passed around further.
Some of the quotes Jesus said were "love God and Love your neighbour" and "love one another as I have loved you". He said these things so that people put aside their differences and started to love one another just as God wanted.
During Jesus's life he did everything in the name of God. Everything was to please and make God happy. The things that helped him get his message across was telling stories to people and getting them to believe in God. The other way was healing the sick and performing miracles which made people believe he was the son of God.