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Pros and Cons of Cohabitation and Marriage CJ Fraze Katherine Hanna Tonya Johnson Charity Wallace

Published on Nov 23, 2015

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Pros and Cons of Cohabitation and Marriage
CJ Fraze
Katherine Hanna
Tonya Johnson
Charity Wallace

Financial and Legalities

  • Less likely to be financially tied than married couples
  • Live together but separate
  • Cohabiters = finances = engaged couples = married partners
  • Cohabitating couples have fewer benefits than married couples
  • Cohabitation = less financial crisis
Photo by Alan Cleaver


  • Less Happiness for Cohabiters v. Married Overall
  • Social approval
  • Cohabiters are college students and parents
  • Higher education = Higher pay
Photo by vanhookc

Cohabitation Statistics

  • Cohabitation % Marriage
  • 2/3 Americans Cohabitate
  • Commitment
  • Domestic Violence/Depression/Poverty
  • Divorce & Serial Cohabitation
Photo by AJC1

De-linking Marriage & Cohabitation/Age and Desolution

  • Fewer couples engaged before cohabitation & fewer getting engaged
  • First and third cohabitations have the same chances of dissolution
  • Age matters
Photo by Sergio Vassio


Photo by The Style PA

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