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Protect the fox

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Changes for a fox

By: Isabelle Brown

No one can predict when a natural disaster like this will happen.


What will this fox do?

Foxes are fast, they typically flee from a fire.

In some cases a red fox's environment can take fire as a blessing.

Fire will cause the trees to produce more fruit in the following years.

But in the years after a fire a fox will move to a new environment.

Photo by tuka108

Like urban areas!

Now the foxes have to compete for food in the urban areas.

Foxes will search through trash cans or hunt the small animals around town.

Photo by 0ystercatcher


Foxes have a mutualistic relationship with other populations of foxes

The foxes will steal food from the other packs of foxes. Otherwise, they would lose the food

The foxes will all steal from each others food supply, helping the whole community.


Foxes have a commensalistic relationship with burrowing animals

When an animal is done with it's burrow, the red fox will use it as a den.

The other animal doesn't mind that they are using it's den and the foxes are happy!


Red foxes will become infected with the mite mange because they have lots of fur.

Mange causes severe irritation. Foxes with mange will scratch their skin so much that they lose hair.

Foxes with mange, if not treated immediately will die in about four months.


Red foxes can hear low-frequencies

Being able to hear low-frequencies helps these foxes because they can hear their prey underground.


The type of succession happening is secondary. 

After a wildfire the forest will have to recover. Grasses come first, then the bushes, and finally the trees.

Next the Herbivores move into the forest, then the small prey and predators.

The different animals in the forest create a more diverise enviroment.

You think these foxes has gone through enough?Well, to make matters worse humans have decided to come into their ecosystem!

Why would humans want to come?

They want:

  • Room for buildings
  • Wood
  • Food
  • Animal's fur

When humans do this they damage the ecosystem.

Sometimes people come into an ecosystem for an animal, like the red fox. People kill them for fun and for their fur.


If a limit is put on hunting these animals their population could be saved! I just need your help.

An awareness fund for the foxes should happen, and it can with your help! If money is donated the awareness for foxes will happen!