Psychological development in adolescent

Published on Nov 24, 2015

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Psychological Development in Adolescents

Photo by Lighttruth

Where are adolescents in development?

Cognitive development?
Psychosocial development?
Moral development?

Identity Formation:

Erikson's Psychosocial Theory

Formal Operational Thought

Thinks beyond present reality

Symbolically constructs experiences

Hypothesizes about relationships

Photo by illuminaut

Concerned about the relative nature of things

Brings inconsistencies into logical relationship

“Can I have my cake and eat it too"?

Photo by illuminaut

A Moral Dilemma

Photo by lukecanvin

Moral Development and Reasoning

Kohlberg (1981): Proposed widely adopted theory of the cognitive processes by which an individual evolves in terms of the justifications they offer for the decisions they make on moral issues.

Pre-Conventional Morality

How will it impact ME?

Tends to avoid punishment and looks for ways to gain reward

Conventional Morality

Concerns viewpoints of other people - Looking to be approved or disapproved by others with a high respect for rules or the law

Photo by GoatChild

Post-Conventional Morality

Focus on individual rights and what is just for each individual

Individual perspective; feminist perspective; Jonathan Heidt?

Photo by actcolombia

Gender Bias

Females more likely persist in conventional moral reasoning patterns based on assumptions about the priority of social relations the welfare of others.

Abstract reasoning processes characteristic of post-conventional stages reflect a male bias (i.e. setting aside one’s feelings and attachments)

Photo by actcolombia

African-American communities concern with caring orientations show a different social reference in making moral decisions

Photo by DioBurto

Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development

Level I: Level I-Pre-Conventional

Stage 1
Judgment based on reward/punishment

Photo by VinothChandar

Level I: Level I-Pre-Conventional

Stage 2
Judgment based on benefits for self/loved ones

Photo by VinothChandar

Level II: Conventional

Stage 3
Judgment based on authorities approval/disapproval

Photo by VinothChandar

Level II: Conventional

Stage 4
Judgment based on behavior upholds/violates laws

Level III: Post-Conventional

Stage 5
Judgment based on preserving social contracts

Photo by kevin dooley

Level III: Post-Conventional

Stage 6

Judgments based on ethical principles that apply across time and cultures


Photo by mikecogh

Jennifer Dickey

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