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Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Photo by Flavio~

When is it celebrated?
On the Hebrew calender its celebrated on the 14th day of Adar. In our calendar its on the 15th day of March.

Photo by Joe King

What are the rituals
The holiday of Purim has a tradition that people give gifts in synagogues while wearing silly clothes or costumes. It is said to be the wildest holiday of Jewish culture. They? read a book called Megillah and while they listen they bang clangers every time the name Haman is mentioned.

Photo by Ilan's Photos

What ar e the activities?
During Purim they enjoy a meal and spend time with family and friends at the synagogue. The men and women give gifts to their friends and to the poor. They also read a book called Megillah.

Photo by Joe King

What does Purim mean?
Purim is a lesser to commemorate to the defeat of Hamans plot to massacre the Jews.

Photo by Udi Raz

What foods are eaten at purim?
The most famous food is the hamantaschen. They also eat poppy seeds, fruit, and cheese. They also share a few drinks or two.

Photo by goldberg