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Published on Nov 18, 2015

the one thing.



Photo by [Duncan]

Who were they?
The puritans were a group of protestants that came to America from England in the mid 1600's

Why did the Puritans come here?
The puritans came to America in order to reform the English church.

Photo by seier+seier

What are some values of Puritanism?
Puritans valued hard work ethics, literacy, education, and community responsibility (everyone being responsible for each others actions).

What is Predestination?
Predestination is the idea that all of the people who will make it into heaven have already been chosen by God in the beginning of time.

Photo by jasohill

However, those who were chosen could lose their right to go to heaven if they didn't obey. Since nobody knew who had been chosen, it was pretty much a case of "better safe than sorry".

Photo by ecstaticist

What were children's roles in puritan society?
Children would be separated by gender to do their different chores.

Girls would do their work mostly inside, cleaning, cooking, doing laundry and sewing.

Photo by rbglasson

Boys would do most of their work outdoors, doing yard work, farming, taking care of animals, or hunting.

Photo by newagecrap

Why were these things important?
The puritans valued these things because they sought a perfect utopia, free from rebellion

Photo by ell brown

Ready for some
Fun Facts?

Photo by Lawrence OP

The Puritans actually studied science. While most people feel that science is the enemy of religion, the puritans actually thought that you couldn't have one without the other.

While it conflicted with other cultures of the time, the puritans believed in both genders being highly educated and literate.

Photo by Len Radin

Some weird laws that the puritans created included:

Photo by markemark4

You could be arrested for kissing your spouse in public.

Photo by prosto photos

Children who cursed their parents could have been executed

Photo by Sindre Sorhus

And probably weirdest of all, was the ban on Christmas. They felt that since Jesus wasn't actually born on Dec 25, that the holiday shouldn't be celebrated at all.

Photo by lenmandy

In conclusion, the puritans were a group that wouldn't be too fun. They were a strict, studious, and highly conservative bunch.