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Purposes Of Government- Kaylee

Published on Dec 10, 2015

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Maintain Social Order

Keeps the court system afloat, and keeps everything fair.

Maintain Social Order

The government can make and enforce laws. Without these laws how could everyone remain safe?

Photo by Alain Limoges

Providing public services

Between being able to see the streets at night to being able to walk on a sidewalk- it's all important.

Photo by jenny downing

Providing public services

Even when the fire truck is sitting on the side, it's ready when ever something happens.

Photo by Mario Spann

National Security

They provide appropriate ways to interact with other countries & sign important things without getting us In danger

Provide national security

The government does actually keep the people first, and keeps them free from any unnecessary attacks

Photo by HooLengSiong

Makes economic decisions

This provides a way for our country to be "Mrs. Independent" and create our own currency.

Photo by Great Beyond

Make economic decisions

Don't want to go into debt? The governments lets you make loans or borrow money, so you won't get too deep into debt

Photo by Cola21