The time is now!
Models, Management, Manpower
It is purposeful, data-driven, meaningful--it is the right thing to do--we are not doing it because it's required
RtI came on the heels of 15 years of reading research with the reauthorization of IDEA 2004--and because better universal screening and progress monitoring systems came along too.
K-1 teachers need to be doing RtI best--a student leaving 1st grade behind in reading is likely to always be behind. And, it takes 4x as long to intervene in 4th grade as in late kindergarten, to improve a student's skills by the same amount.
If RtI is done well, there should be a decrease in sped. referrals.
RTI i here to stay. It's not an educational fad.
It is not...extra time on a project, read aloud time, time to start homework etc...
Effective to highly effective is differentiating the work at stations and in small groups. DI and RtI go hand in hand-- differentiated, high quality instruction at tier one is the foundation of the framework.