Practical empathy training in the workplace. Slides from the "Empathy at Work" workshop, including situational exercises and scripts to use with your team to enhance team dynamics, collaboration, productivity, and happiness at work.
A leader who exhibits empathy is more approachable and develops trust in her team, this trickles down to customers and even competitors. When the entire team practices empathy the rewards can be quite significant at work and at home.
When we feel heard, we feel more valuable. When we listen to understand we develop trust and can collaborate more openly. A happy team is good for everyone!
Empathy enhances communication and reduces the stress that misunderstandings cause. When we are relaxed, everything is easier, isn't it? See Daniel Siegel's book Brainstorm for great tips on an empathic approach to teeanagers.
Scripts are available for the exercises to use when you need them. Practice is key to being able to put these techniques into action when confronted with a situation that triggers you.