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Ernest Hemingway By: Grace Zhou

Why is pursuing personal joy more important than fulfilling assigned duties?

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The article, Personal Values in Human Life, written by Lilach Sagiv, defines personal values and discusses their significance. It leads to the frequently-mentioned topic of the dilemma between personal pleasure and duty.

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Importance of Personal Joy
Each individual is born in a unique way, and differs from everyone else. They have diverse passions and find joy in different things or fields. True pleasure is brought through striving for what one is interested in. In other words, realizing personal values. Sagiv states in his article, Personal Values in Human Life, that “values of individuals (often termed personal values) are broad desirable goals that motivate people's action and serve as guiding principles in their lives” (Sagiv 3). Values determine the directions individuals endeavor towards and the paths of their lives.

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Uniqueness of Personal Joy
The uniqueness of every person’s goals, motivations, and desires is unquestionable. As Sagiv argues, “values shape one's identity and plays the role in making us who we are” (Sagiv 19). In other words, without these values, there’s no longer anything distinct about individuals. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for one to act according to expectations from others or fulfill their assigned duties, but also procure the unique personal joy of life.

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Relation to Novel
The idea is presented in the novel, A Farewell To Arms. The protagonist, Frederic escapes from the frontline, which he is supposed to fight on (Hemingway 200). His girlfriend, Catherine, also gives up her duty as a nurse during the war in order to pursue a happier life (Hemingway 229). Perhaps there is nothing wrong with their decision of leaving all the bloodiness behind and live their true selves without commands and orders.

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Harm of Assigned Duties
Responsibilities that are forced on individuals with out their total willingness can really deprive their happiness. They might also lead to mental issues. It is for granted that being responsible is good. However, pursuing the path that suits a peson the best and brings the most joy, discovers more potential in an individual. On a broader scale, he/she is able to contribute more and in a better way to the society, or even the world.

Works Cited

Hemingway, Ernest. A Farewell to Arms. Simon & Schuster,
Inc., 2012.

Sagiv, Lilach, et al. “Personal Values in Human Life.” ResearchGate,
Nature Human Behaviour, August 2017,
319269391_Personal_values_in_human_life, Accessed 28
January 2021.