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Published on May 09, 2016

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-Omar Mohamud
Photo by Doha Sam

Countries Physical Geography

  • It's a Penisula in the east of Arabia
  • Borders the Persian Gulf and Saudi Arabia

What is the Climate like in Qatar?

  • Climate is dry
  • Low Rainfall
  • Intensely Hot and Humid Summers
  • Spring and autumn are the best times to visit Qatar, when tempature are warm but not hot

Qatar's Water Supply

  • Qatar's water utility (Kahramaa), has invested in water storage with 7 days worth of fresh water.

What industries does the country support?

  • Chemical fertilizers Industry (QAFCO)
  • Petrochemical Industry)

Population&Average Life Span for Men & Women

  • Population: 2.169 million
  • Average Life Span for Men: 78.45 years
  • Average Life Span for Women: 75.6 years

Qatar's GDP/GDP per capita

  • GDP Per Capita: 93,174.06
  • GDP: $324.2 Billion
Photo by Phil Gyford