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Qualitative Coding

Published on Nov 19, 2015

Shenyang 2015


Qualitative Coding

Northeastern University summer 2015

What can you code?

  • Fieldnotes, interviews, transcripts, documents, letters, external memos, video, still pictures, art, organizational features or structures

You can code data as you go (pure discovery) or by creating categories first (template analysis) (Crabtree & Miller, 1999)

Steps in Coding

  • Multiple reading of the data transcript
  • Ask yourself - what is the goal of the analysis?
  • Develop and define codes
  • Reduce codes to a manageable number
  • Sort the codes into meaningful and related segments
  • Connect the codes
Photo by kreezzalee

Immersion and Crystallization

What are the insights that emerge from the analysis

What gives your codes legitimacy?

  • Depth of description
  • Accuracy
  • Intellectual honesty
  • Rigor in the methods used
  • Reflexivity
  • Searching for alternate explanations
Photo by Jeffrey Beall

Coding Pitfalls

  • Premature or delayed closure
  • Lack of experience with coding OR with the research topic
Photo by monkeyinfez