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Quarter 2 Book Project

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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Photo by Liqueur Felix


  • The book is set in the future in a town called Prin.
  • Our main character is a misfit named Esther.
  • The town has been paying a place called the source.
  • Everyone except Esther is afraid of a group of humanoids known as Variants.
  • Very few people over 19 years old are alive because of a disease.

Esther is a 15 year old girl. She dislikes her job as a searcher for gas. She is friends with a Variant female named Skar.


  • A group that lives outside of town.
  • They are unfairly feared by people.
  • Very few humans trust them.
  • They have the appearance of disfigured humans.
  • Violence has escalated recently between humans and variants.
Photo by Alcino


  • Esther gets shunned.
  • The Source begins harshening cost of necessities.
  • Variant attacks become more frequent and savage in town.
  • Caleb begins training the townspeople to defend themselves.
  • Esther begins to develop feelings for Caleb.
Photo by ugod

Levi is the man in charge of the Source. He has control of a number of guards and nearly endless supplies. His parents abandoned him for his brother to survive, leading to his anger.

Caleb is a stranger to Prin who came in search of his son. He and Esther have a romantic relationship. He is a very clever and powerful fighter.

Photo by davesag

Shunning is the ceremony of kicking a person out of Prin. Anyone seen talking or helping someone who is shunned receives the same fate.


  • Caleb and Esther went to get Caleb's son.
  • They arrived at the Source, and snuck in.
  • Esther was caught and imprisoned.
  • Levi confronted Caleb and revelaed they were brothers.
  • Caleb also learned that the Variant attacks were planned by Levi.
Photo by riccardoce

Caleb and Levi were born to the same parents. Their parents left Levi to die, and Levi turned all of his efforts toward ruining Caleb's life. He stole Caleb's son and murdered his partner.

Photo by Erik Charlton


  • Caleb and Esther eventually escape .
  • They team up with the Variants to save the town.
  • The team took care of the guards and left Levi for Caleb to deal with.
  • Caleb talked to Levi, and convinced him to leave his family alone.
  • Eventually Levi agreed, and committed suicide when Caleb left the Source.
Photo by kevin dooley


  • Levi blew up the source while committing suicide.
  • The resulting explosion revealed a fresh water spring.
  • This solved the water crisis in Prin.
  • The disease that killed anyone over 19 was also solved by this fresh water.
  • Caleb and Esther became partners by the end.
Photo by mlhradio


  • Fear is a great cause of segregation.
  • Revenge is a great motivator.
  • When you set aside your differences, great things can happen.
Photo by Julie70


Photo by blakeemrys

Untitled Slide

  • Europe has seen an increase in Racism.
  • Islamophobia and anti-semitism.
  • So far, been held in check by fears of Hitler's Germany.
  • 25 of 732 Members of European parliament are neo-nazi or far right parties.
  • Dozens more discriminatory MEP's

Untitled Slide

  • Far right groups winning with promises.
  • Promises include lower taxes and higher public services.
  • Stoked fear of other races, gaining white vote.
  • Far right and tabloids led to racist, anti semetic, homophobic atmosphere.
  • Neo nazi's gained support by targeting tabloids to attack opposition.

Untitled Slide

  • In France, the far right group won their election.
  • The rise of bands with names that glorify the holocaust.
Photo by Ulrik.S.C


  • Counter forces such as the EU.
  • Begun monitoring political groups.
  • Trying to embrace dignity, freedom, equality, amd solidarity.
  • European Network Against Racism combats growth of racism.
  • Organizations are dependent on whether policies will allow them to exist.
Photo by Raka18


  • Some nations have begun excluding people they deem not worthy.
  • Austria has abolished special treatment for any minorities.
  • Leader of Austria calls all unemployed immigrants not welcome.
  • Racial attack or incident every 3 minutes in Europe.
Photo by pamhule


Both the story and the article have speak about different groups being feared and segregated.

Photo by suswar

The fear in both lead to violence. In the story, the variant group fought back, but in the article, they were segregated and attacked.

Photo by rfwwhitlock

The conflict in the book and article are both based on fear, not facts.

The article talks about how the European governments have Nazi connections. In the book, the group in control have connections to the group that everyone is afraid of.

Photo by wbeem

In the story, the segregated group are treated like animals, much like the Jewish and African Americans in Nazi Germany.

Photo by 55Laney69

The theme of setting aside people's differences to progress society links to groups like EU trying to stop the racism in Europe.

Photo by ecstaticist

The book shows later on that the Variants aren't to blame, much like segregated groups aren't to blame in the real world.

Works Cited
Ford, Glyn. "Racism and Xenophobia in Europe: Stemming the Rising Tide." Ebscohost. UN Chronicle. Dec. 2004. http://web.b.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail/detail?sid=77546443-eca...&hid101&b...