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Published on Oct 01, 2019

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What is the article about?

  • The article is about how Tim Horton's is growing further away from canadian culture!
Photo by Cris DiNoto

How is Quebec unique in this article?

  • this is unique to Quebec because it says that even tho Tim Horton is growing away from canada that quebec keeps their faith that they will stay strong with their true culture.
Photo by DarkElfPhoto

how do other regions agree with Quebec

  • The other regions agree with Quebec because it says in the article that they are moving towards other countries and areas but will always look back on their past to Quebec which is where they came from.

How can marketers use this article to improve

  • when trying to market a product you could take a look at where it came from and market their backgroud to show its past.
Photo by Samuel Zeller


Photo by Horia Varlan

How about a sporty scent in your t-shirts!!!

Photo by Paco CT

How do other cultures understand

  • They understand hygiene is a very important thing when it comes to your personality and professinalyti also your general heath
Photo by philozopher

How can marketers use this

  • marketers can use this by seeing that hygieen is very important to msot humans and a daily basis