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Queen Elizabeth 1

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Queen Elizabeth 1

She was born September 7,1533/died on March 24,1603

Early Life

  • She was the second child.
  • Her half-sister Mary was a queen until Elizabeth took her place.
  • Elizabeth had disastrous sisters they wanted to kill her so she won't be queen.
Photo by jenny downing

Life in England

  • Life in England was very dangerous in the 1500's
  • Many people was killing innocent people.
  • Ecxept for queens and kings, people washed once a year and used the same bathtub.
  • The people back then thought tomatoes were poisonous.
  • For the wealth they will hang up their bacon to show of their riches.


  • Elizabeth l was a bright and smart child.
  • Her tutor Katherine (Kat) taught Elizabeth how to read and write.
  • Elizabeth learned how to read and write , English , grammar, rules of etiquettes, and how to behave in polite society.
  • Elizabeth was gifted with excellent memory. She can memorize a 2 page essay in two hours!!!!! She learned to speak ten different languages at age thirteen.
Photo by snacktime2007


  • Elizabeth l survived and succeeded in a world that was male dominated.
  • She succeeded in uniting her people .
  • She was careful and very cautious
Photo by afagen

Why is Elizabeth I so important?

  • She was the 1st and last female monarch from the House of tutor to rule as queen.

Interesting Facts

  • Elizabeth was born a princess.
  • Her father henry chopped off Anne's head.
  • Elizabeth could understand several languages: English, Latin, Greek, Italian, French, Spanish, Welsh and even Cornish.

Famous Quotes

  • "To be a king and wear a crown is a thing more glorious to them that see it than it is pleasant to them that bear it."- Elizabeth 1
  • "He who placed me in this seat will keep me here."- Elizabeth 1
  • "There is one thing higher than Royalty: and that is religion, which causes us to leave the world, and seek God."- Elizabeth 1