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Queen Hatshepsut

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Queen Hatshepsut

Hatshepsut was born in c-1482 B.C in the 18 diynusty.

Photo by MichaelTyler

Early life

  • At age 12 she marreid her half-brother. Thutmose II.
  • In there "common pratice" they kept the blood line pure.
  • Reminder:Time line is not accurate.
Photo by profzucker

Time period

  • Thutmose II died so that is one the reasons she became queen.
  • Hatshepsut Expanded trade routes to outer Kingdoms.
  • Thutmose III took over after Queen hatshepsut died.
Photo by peterjr1961


  • Yes,she did have a formal education.
  • She needed military school for a pharaoh.
  • The royal family had its own school.
  • Boys begen school at age five or six.
Photo by kairoinfo4u


  • She build temples for the sun god.
  • Expladed trade roudes.
  • She was the first woman pharaoh in Egypt's history.
  • Build temples for her self too.
  • Good military leader.
Photo by jamehand

Important facts

  • Hushepsut's monuments were smashed and damaged.
  • Later on in life Hatshepesut was painted to look like a man.
  • Her inspiration was her dad Thutmoes I.
  • We do not no that much about queen hatshepsut.
Photo by khowaga1

Interesting information

  • The Egyptions and thutmoseIII tried to erased her from history .
  • We think that she had a boyfriend in her life time.
  • We think that she died from skin canser cream. A slow death.
  • her half brother Thutmose III was one of the people how tried to erased her from history.

Video and fun facts

Photo by khowaga1

Part two-books

  • Hatshepsut his majesty ,herself-Catherine M. Andronik
  • Hatshepsut The Princess who became king-Ellen Galford.
  • The ectilobia of egypt