How do we apply our calculations to real life? (such as sheer force, etc.)
What can be done in case something goes wrong with the structural system in the future? Can elements be fixed or do they need to be replaced? How easy/difficult is it?
From ancient times, how is it possible that so many of their buildings still stand, even though they did not have much knowledge about structural techniques?
How the structural system of buildings above the ground differs in those under the ground OR under water?
Do buildings bare the same live load weight over time as when built?
What type of structural solutions can be used for the roller coaster and other in the amusement park ? and how it can carry loads with the movement effect?…
What are the best types of materials that we use for glass joints ?
How they use expansion joints in glass bridge and what is the distance between the joints so the bridge will not collapse because of the temperature changes ?