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Quran and Bible Comparison

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Quran and Bible Earth Creation Comparison

By: Arsal Haider
Photo by Swamibu

Basic Christian Beliefs

  • There is one God
  • God is three in one or a Trinity
  • Jesus came to Earth as God in the form of Man to spread the message of God
  • Those who believe in Jesus Christ will go to heaven and those who reject go to hell

Basic Muslim Beliefs

  • All Muslims believe that there is only one God named "Allah" ("The God" in Arabic), and that Muhammad is God's messenger.
  • Muslims follow the Five Pillars of Islam
Photo by radiant guy

Biblical Differences

  • Most of the Biblical differences were different in that they had a different type of character, but both (Quran and Bible) had similar characters in the story.
  • Biblical differences include that of: Lucifer, Serpent (the form Lucifer took to trick Adam and Eve), Earth's creation in 6 days, and the geography of Paradise explained in the Bible.

Quranic Differences

  • Same as the Bible, the Quran only had minor differences, but the same story. It was more like a different version of the story rather than a whole nother story.
  • The only Quranic differences were: Iblis, 6 spans of time for Earth's creation, Value of the Forbidden Tree, and differences in Satan's hatred and jealousy towards Adam.
Photo by radiant guy


  • Both texts had more similarities than differences.
  • Similarities of both texts: Creation of Man, Man and Woman, Banishment to Earth, Iblis and Lucifer (both being the devil), Creation of Earth Timeline (timeline of God's creation being created), and the Fruitful yet Forbidden Tree.
Photo by theilr

The End.

Photo by Wonderlane