Conformity- carrying a negative self-concept and not seeing race as an important factor
Dissonance- understanding that discrimination and oppression exist but being at conflict with its existence sometimes still citing with the dominant group
Resistance- joyous about their particular racial heritage. Join with the oppressed group in fight against the oppressor
Introspection- two sides to the issue of oppression, no longer predominantly resistant, now acknowledge both oppressors and oppressed
Integrative- appreciative of themselves as a racial/cultural group and just as much appreciate other groups
What are the therapeutic implications for each stage?
Conformity - prefer a white therapist, may be overly dependent and seek to appease.
Dissonance - Self exploration stage, therefore they seek a knowledgeable therapist that can help with resolving some conflicts.
Resistance - see whites as enemies, therefore, they are quite open and do not hesitate to disclose.
Introspection - self exploration now specifically aimed at arriving at a new sense of identity that integrates and incorporates a more holistic sense.
Integrative - client now wants to build actionable systemic plan with strategies aimed at community and societal change.
Helms' White Identity Development
Contact- individual denies that race is important or that racism exists
Disintegration- not seeing their own practice as the issue, confronted with the reality of oppression but continue using misinformed notions
Reintegration- retreating back to their own racial group and denigrate other racial groups, seek relief through traditional justifications for oppression
Pseudo-Independence- accepting those oppressed groups who are most like themselves, committed to helping those who are dissimilar to themselves in order to help them assimilate
Immersion-redefining of their whiteness, search for the truth regarding oppression
Autonomy- rejection of unearned privileges of race and avoid people who are racist and oppressive