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radiation in perspective

by kenzi Buchanan

Alpha radiation

  • Alpha radiation is a heavy, positively charged particle given off by atoms of elements like uranium.
  • Alpha radiation can be blocked by a piece of paper.
  • Rutherford discovered alpha radiation.
  • Alpha particles are slow compared to beta & gamma radiation.

Beta radiation

  • Beta radiation consists of electrons.
  • A sheet of aluminum can stop beta radiation.

Gamma radiation

  • Gamma rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation.
  • Gamma rays can pass into a human body, but can be almost completely blocked by concrete.
  • It travels the speed of light


  • Radiation can be used in many different ways such as to make electricity, treat cancer, and in many more helpful ways.


  • Radiation is measured in units called millirems. A millirem is a unit of radiation used to measure exposure to humans.

more millirems

  • 1,000 rem exposure to the whole body is normally fatal, but this dose level is used for some medical treatments of small portions of the body.

mrem (millirems)

  • 10,000 mrem is the minimum annual radiation exposure linked to increased lifetime risk of cancer.
  • Anything below 100rem scientist believe that that's permanent effects.

Increasing millirems

  • You increase your dose by a millirem by: -an average year of TV watching -a year of wearing a luminous dial watch -a coast-to-coast airline flight -a year living next door to a normally operating nuclear power plant

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