PRESENTATION OUTLINEBIRTH Bonostruc de Porta Born in 1194 (decade before the death of the Rambam) in Gerona in Catalonia 100km N of Barcelona CHILDHOOD Learned by Rav Yehuda ben Yakar and Learned Kabbalah from Rav Ezra, and from Rav Yitzchak Sagi Nahor as a teen Wrote his first commentaries on Nedarim and Bechoros at age 15 Untitled Slide Began writing the Milchamos Hashem to defend the Rif against the Baal HaMaor After Rabbeinu Yonah's death, he became the Chief Rabbi of Catalonia CHILDREN Rav Nachman, Rav Shlomo, Rav Yosef Daughter married Levi. Their son was the Ralbag Known as being gentle but firm. THE WRITING OF THE RAMBAM Throughout the 13th century, a debate raged regarding the Rambam 1220, Rav Shlomo min HaHar (Montpelier) pronounces a cherem. Moreh N. and Sefer HaMada - owning or studying. Rabbeinu Yonah joined his rebbe in this cherem. Spanish Jews put Rav Shlomo in cherem THE CHURCH - AND RESPONSE 1233 in Paris - The Rambam's books are burned in public. Ramban intervened and supported and criticized both sides. Called on both sides to tone down the rhetoric. Differentiated between French and Spanish Jewry French Jews should stay away from it, Spanish Jews should study it. In the short term, rejected. LONG TERM EFFECTS The readiness of Spanish Jewry to convert resulted from this freedom of philosophical inquiry. Erev Shabbos Parshas Chukas 1242 in the same Paris square - 24 wagons of Talmud were burned by King Louis IX Rav Shlomo min HaHar had passed, but Rabbeinu Yonah decided to do Teshuva by traveling to the Rambam's kever in Tiveria. He was delayed by the community in Barcelona, then in Toledo. The loss of the Talmud ended the Tosfos in France. RAMBAN'S WRITINGS Milchamos Hashem Hasagos on the Sefer Hamitzvos, defends the BaHag. (Rambam is defended by Rav Yitzchak deLion - megilas ester 150 years later). Mitzvos ShSheshchach haRav - 17+ and 17- The 4th mitzvah - yishuv EY MORE WRITINGS Peirush on the Talmud Iggeres HaRamban Drashos of the Ramban - Torah's HaShem Temima. Shaar HaGemul, Toras HaAdam, Sefer HaGeulah AL HATORAH Completed in Israel at the end of his life. VaYishlach - The place of Rachel's death. Ramban writes that Menachem thought it's far, but now I can see that it's very close. The most comprehensive until his time - perhaps even since. Yitzchak's wells: Esek and Sitna - 1st 2 batei Mikdash, 3rd is rechovot. Bereshis: Only one creation - matter. Everything is formed from it. Untitled Slide Mishkan in Terumah: the Shechina of Sinai should rest permanently. Al Derech HaEmes - Kabbalah, or Sod. Sparing language, but never outright. MACHLOKSIM Rambam held that miracles are few, and visions are dreams. Ramban disagrees sharply. Rarely says Ein mukdam Ramban at the end of Bo - miracles are for specific purposes. To prove that He is true. Many mitzvos remind us of this reality. LAST DAYS 1263 - King James of Aragon orders Ramban to debate Catholic priests including Pablo Christiani - an apostate Jew. This is the disputation of Barcelona - Ramban demanded freedom of expression. In July of 1263, it ran for 4 sessions. Many attendees and noblemen. The apostate was supposed to prove that Jesus was the Messiah and use the Talmud to prove it. Ramban was unrestrained - and ridiculed Pablo. King James said of the Ramban: "I've never seen a man so wrong, argue so well." Awarded 300 gold coins. King James came to shul the next Shabbos and preach to the community to convert. PROSECUTION Church claimed that they won. Ramban wrote the sefer havikuach to document the debate. This was not allowed and deemed as blasphemous. Ramban fled Catalonia to the south where he began the Peirush al HaTorah Sailed to Israel - arrived in Elul. IN ISRAEL Shocked to find that only 2 Jews lived in Yerushalim, lived in poverty. They got a minyan from the neighboring towns on Shabbos. Ramban build a shul that survived until 1948, and rebuilt in 67 DEATH He lived in Acco, where the larger community was. Died on 11 Nisan, 1270, Age 76 Unknown burial place. A legend an giant of Torah. Haiku Deck Pro User