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Ratio and Percent Analysis

Published on Nov 24, 2015

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ratio and percentage analysis for corporations

Mr. Melkonian

ratios to analyze how well a corp. is performing

2 aspects to consider
Photo by monkeyc.net

liquidity ratios (solvency ratios)

how easily can a company pay its debts?

profitability percentages

evaluates a company's ability to earn profit - compare results from previous years, companies, etc.
Photo by 401(K) 2013

current ratio or working captial ratio

total current assets/total current liability

how capable is a business to pay its debts?

investors want to see high percent

  • 2.5 - very good
  • 2.0 - good
  • 1.5 - fair
  • 1.0 - poor
  • less than 1.0 - bad

also refered to as working capital ratio

sub total current liability from assets
Photo by wili_hybrid

quick ratio (acid-test ratio)

total assets - inventory/prepaid expense / total liability

includes assets that can be converted into cash quickly

measures ability to pay debt in a short amount of time (2 months) - less than 1 isn't great, but common
Photo by Great Beyond

debt and equity ratio

debt =liabilityities/assets  equity=equity/assets

debt ratio shows what % of assets

come from borrowed money
Photo by Chris Yarzab

equity ratio shows what proporton of assets

financed by shareholders' money
Photo by jurvetson

the sum of these two = 100%

Photo by bryanhutch

investors want to see higher percent

in shareholders' money - more invested in success of the corp.

rate of return on net sales

net income / net sales
Photo by lonely radio

money that remains after are deducted from sales

make sure to interpret as a ratio...
Photo by Leo Reynolds

rate of return on shareholders' equity

net income/owner's avg equity x 100
Photo by jurvetson

Untitled Slide

collection period (ar turnover)

ar / average charge sales per day
Photo by risaikeda

lower numbers better

customers are paying quickly
Photo by nffcnnr

inventory turnover

cost of goods sold / average merchanside inventory 
Photo by Kirinohana

how many times a business can sell and replace inventory in one year

compare with previous years, if it increases - nice!
Photo by Frans & all

times interest earned ratio

net income / interest expense 
Photo by Wonderlane

ability to cover interest expense

higher is better
Photo by Great Beyond

earnings per share (EPS)

net income / number of common shares outstanding

eps measures performance of corp. and executives

try to see how stable it is, compare with other companies
Photo by SalFalko

price earnings ratio

market price per share / earnings per share
Photo by peddhapati

tells us how outside investors feel about the company

high p/e ratio has higher confidence for long term growth
Photo by LendingMemo