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Reaction of alkenes

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Reaction of alkenes

By Sunny Pal
Photo by Emilie Ogez

Addittion of hydrogen (Hydrogenation)

  • This is where a mixture of hydrogen gas and a gaseous alkene is passed over a catalyst (Nickel) at a temperature of 150 degree celsius.
  • The hydrogen adds across the double bond and an alkane is formed (Breaks the double bond)
  • The product has the same charge as the reactant
  • The adding of hydrogen is called hydrogenalisation
Photo by write_adam

Addition of halogens (Halogenations)

  • halogens adds across the double bond to give a di-substituted halogenoalkane
  • bromine - colourless (test for unsaturated)
  • usually with organic compounds
  • dehalogenation is the reverse reaction (removal of a halogen)
  • beginning of the word is oxy... = with hydrogen
Photo by Farmanac

Addition of halogens (Halogenations)

  • halogens adds across the double bond to give a di-substituted halogenoalkane
  • bromine - colourless (test for unsaturated)
  • usually with organic compounds
  • dehalogenation is the reverse reaction (removal of a halogen)
  • beginning of the word is oxy... = with hydrogen
Photo by Farmanac

Addition of hydrogen halides

  • hydrogen halides are gasses at room temp(obvs) which are then bubbled in liquid alkenes
  • some of the examples of hydrogen halides are HBr, HCl and HI...
  • reactivity is opposite to group 7 halogens sooo HI then HCl then HBr then HF
  • double bonds are broke
Photo by s58y

Addition of steam (Hydration of alkenes)

  • alcohol produced
  • Steam and gaseous alkene are heated with high temp and pressure with catalyst phosphoric acid
  • An alcohol has been produced
  • Process is sometimes called hydration of alkene.
  • double bonds are broken