Ready to Fly
- Who are we?
- What will be covered?
- Why this topic?
- How will we do this?
- Questions? (sticky notes)
- Write down your school's top five signs of readiness.
- Work with your group to confer, discuss, and see if you can come to a consensus.
- Write and illustrate
- Display your work around the room
Getting Them Ready
- Listening and taking turns
- Managing materials respectfully
- Sustaining engagement
- Following simple directions
- Staying safe in a group
- Attending to personal needs
- Asking for help when needed
- *Adapted from NAEYC Readiness
Shopping for the Right Setting
- Preschools are instrumental
- Families seek reassurance
- Good fit is the goal for all children
- Activity: imagine a child
- Role play a challenging conversation using information gathered
Successful Transitions
- Enjoyment
- Safe learning environment
- Exhaustion
- Separation anxiety
- Slow to build social connections
- "I don't like my new school! It's boring."
- Not eating lunch
- Ups and downs
Transition Tips
- Listen and offer ideas
- Drop off routine
- Restful weekends
- Foster self-care independence - ratio
- Keep old friends and support new ones
- Visual schedule
- Expect less contact
- Commitment is key
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