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Real Sex

Education on sexual intercourse and the risks of being intimate.


Real sex

EDUCATION ON THE DANGERs of sexual intimacy


  • Pregnancy will always be a risk.
  • Condoms and birth control are not 100% effective
  • Pregnancy at a young age can hurt you and the baby
  • complications can have a life long emotional and physical affect
Photo by zubrow


  • You can get them from any form of sex; orally, vagnally, or anally
  • Having multiple partners increases your risks
  • Many symptoms are flu like or non-existant
  • Some are incurable and dangerous


  • thoughts or feelings of regret, being used, or less of yourself after have sex
  • Sex can break relationships (social, sexual, and parental)
  • Sex can start unhealthy relationships
  • Sex can make one grow emotional attachments
Photo by wazari

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