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Red Drum

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Red Drum fish


  • dark red color on the back, which fades into white on the belly.
  • characteristic eyespot near the tail and are somewhat streamlined.
  • one large black spot on the upper part of the tail base.
  • The most common color is reddish-bronze.
  • Their life span can exceed 40 years.

Habitat, In winter, redfish are found in seagrass and shallow waters, over muddy or sand bottoms, or near oyster bars or spring fed creeks.

Behaviour, Juvenile redfish are an inshore species until they reach roughly 30 inches (4 years). They then migrate to the nearshore population.

reproduction and growth

  • One female can spawn one million eggs at a time
  • Fertilized eggs are approximately one millimeter in diameter
  • The fertilized eggs hatch in 20 to 30 hours.
  • their life cycle is spent in nearshore waters and in estuaries.


  • popular gamefish due to their ability to fish for extended periods of time and to its popularity as a food fish.
  • characteristics of this fish is its willingness to take most kinds of bait, both natural and artificial.
  • Saltwater flyfishing for red drum is increasing in popularity.
  • Anglers must remember that there are bag and possession limits and minimum-maximum size limit
  • Catch limits and size restrictions have increased the average weight of redfish caught


  • Daily Bag:3, Length in Inches (Minimum - Maximum)20 - 28

size, Red drum is a fast growing fish reaching approximately 11 inches and one pound in its first year, 17-22 inches and 3 1/2 pounds in two years, and 22-24 inches and 6-8 pounds in three years.