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red fern grows

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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red fern grows

by brian and jaxson
Photo by pixydust8605

the theme in the red fern grows could be education

Photo by I Blinked

billy dosent think he needs a full education

for one he hated school on his encounter

Photo by mariskar

and two he thinks hes all ready smart enough

Photo by ajari

because of what his mom thought him

Photo by rockcreek

in an unknown chapter

billy is very reistitent to going to school

billy is very resistant because of an incident in chapter IV

Photo by mrwilleeumm

some mean kids hurt his dogs and called him a hillbilly

Photo by jbcurio

BILLY'S mom is most educated

person in the book

for one billys mom gives billy good advice

and two billy's mom home schools billy and his sisters

as said in chapter IV