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Red Rubber

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Red Rubber

The Violent Era of Early Colonial Exploitation in the Congo

Berlin Conference


King Leopold II

King of Belgium and the Congo Free State

The Congo's Rubber Concessions

The Rubber Vine

Landolphia Owariensis

Harvester demonstrates sustainable method

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What happens when an industry is extremely profitable but unsustainable?

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E. D. Morel

Wrote against Belgian rule of Congo 1900-1905

Roger Casement

Commissioned by British Parliament to write report, 1903-04


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Discussion Questions

  • What made the Congolese rubber trade more violent than other colonial economies?
  • Is there anything that makes Red Rubber a more compelling narrative for modern readers than other atrocities?

Jigsaw Exercise

  • What does Belgium use to counter Roger Casement's accusations? How do they view Africans?
  • What does Arthur Conan Doyle's rebuttal show about Britain's colonial ideology? What are the points of disagreement?