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Published on Dec 05, 2020

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EDCR 512 / EDLT 512 : Using and Integrating Learning Technologies


  • Intergrating New or Unfamiliar Technology in Education
  • Intergrating Familiar Technology in Education

There is a tendency to ask if technology is needed in the classroom and the answer is "No". Technology is never "needed or required" for learning to occur. But Technology can be a powerful tool and enhancer and capable of making things possible which were previously impossible.

When integrating technology the focus should be on learning enhancement, not the technology. Based both on the class content and my experience, I believe educators can fall into one of two fallacies:

Fallacy 1:
As an educator, I must use the latest technologies in order to stay relevant

This is obviously not the case and where educators begin to force themselves to include technologies which do not fit their learning style or content

Fallacy 2:
As an educator, any technology can be appropriate for education

The second fallacy is similar to the first in the end result. The technology does not meet the needs of the learners. However in this fallacy, the educator exhibits over-confidence in the technology as a tool, rather than the apprehension present in the first fallacy.

These two fallacies are interesting as they show a natural progression of a possible educator’s career. Apprehension at a new technology, integration, and then over-reliance.

Ultimately, technology works best when it enhances learning rather than becoming the focus and overtaking the educators’ and learners’ natural inclinations. This is a tricky balancing act which I feel this course has given me new insight into.