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Regan's matariki

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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By- Regan. W
Photo by pbkwee

The eyes of

The Ariki
Photo by pbkwee

one day all there was darkness

In that darkness was ranginui the farther

 and Papatuanuku the mother

and they had children

and all was good for a long time

but they were getting older...

so they were getting naughty

so they felt trapped and wanted space

the parents awoke to someone pushing them

it was tane there son pushing them apart

until finally.................

 he separated them! 

RANGINUI started to cry and his tears were rain

Photo by kevin dooley

Ariki also cryed his tears were lightning

and through them into heaven

and his tears turned into stares 
Photo by pbkwee