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Regional Knowledge (Revised)

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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  • El Niño effect in the coastal region of the southwest border- Affects climate🌞
  • North and Western America consists of Rocky and Appalachian Mountains; Also, other smaller chains🌲
  • Mississippi River- Longest River going north from Gulf of Mexico to Minnesota🌊🐟
  • Climate is cooler in the north❄️; Warmer down south☀️
  • 5 regions: Mountainous West, Great Plains, Canadian Shield, Varied Eastern Region, & Caribbean


  • Best economic system in the world= Everyone wants to live here😌
  • Free Enterprise- People get to own and govern their own businesses📦📊
  • All Economic Levels: Primary🌲, Secondary✏️, Tertiary 📚, Quaternary📊🏢
  • Income for people is very high💰💰 Average GDP (Per Capita) is $49,965
  • NAFTA- United States, Canada, & Mexico free trade agreement between the three countries
Photo by jann_on


  • A country of 311, 591, 917 citizens👱👨👵👩👴👲👮👳👷💂
  • Main settlements in the East; Middle is very dense; West has few big settlements
  • United States is home to many different races of people
  • Citizens are very diverse because immigrants, nomads, & natives "under one roof"
  • 76% of people live in the urban landscape🏫🏢🏪
Photo by theqspeaks


  • Republic: People have votes to elect leader (President)📜
  • Many foreign relationships with others for resources📦
  • Very good Infrastructure- People have rights✔️; We don't live in poverty💵
  • Bill of Rights hold laws of people that they must follow📃
  • Government is made of three branches: Legislature, Executive, & Judicial
Photo by theqspeaks


  • Lots of diversity in cultures throughout region🎎
  • Cultural Syncretism- Cultures are mixed throughout the region👯
  • 4th of July (Independence Day): Big holiday celebrated every year🎊🎉
  • Christmas🎅- Common holiday celebrated by everyone; Celebrated differently🎄
  • Cultural Nationalism- Everyone takes pride in their culture😎


  • Land is very rural🗿, Not highly urbanized🏠
  • Climate of the area is affected by El Niño as it brings hot and cold air to land💨
  • Biggest mountain chain- Andes Mountains🗻 (Along Western Border)
  • Brazil is biggest country👨
  • Latin America is very elongated🌴


  • Brazil is most developed in the region💰🏫
  • Tertiary economic level: Very active in tourism= Profits for them🌺
  • Social Market economic system: Many shops are in streets to sell products💴
  • Region is on the verge of being More Developed as urban life grows🏢
  • Precious Metals is main Economic Activity💎💍


  • Urban Sprawl throughout region🏢
  • All throughout region people settle along coastlines🏠🌊
  • Highest populated city is Brazil👬👪👭👫
  • Middle of region: not very populated due to being hot from Amazon Basin☀️😎
  • Southern part of Latin America is barely populated; Chile is very small🚶


  • Land reform is all throughout the region🌅
  • Used to be a region of Monarchy🙇
  • Region is now becoming democratic- People elect Government📝
  • Infrastructure is growing from what seemed to be a downfall🔩
  • Adapted government models from N. Europe & the United States🇺🇸
Photo by betta design


  • Soccer is played as their main sport⚽️
  • Mestizo- Descent mix of cultures from Europe & Americans from past🇪🇸🇺🇸
  • Colombian Exchange: Europe, North, & South America trade goods and resources📮
  • Dancing is practiced and brings people together in the region💃
  • Cinco De Mayo- Main holiday celebrated by their people🎊



  • Northern lands are occupied by North European Plain🌾
  • Alps Mountains: Biggest Mountain Range🌄 (Separates Italy)
  • Continentality affects the West; North Atlantic Ocean Current brings cool air💨
  • Most of region is below sea level🌊
  • Iberian Peninsula: Biggest Peninsula in the region; Covers all of Spain🇪🇸


  • Very rich region💰
  • Western Europe is more developed than Eastern Europe💰
  • Many profits are made through trade between foreign countries📦
  • Euros are the money used throughout region💶
  • ROWGS: Rich old white guys👴


  • Positive growth in population; Used to be negative growth from many old people👴
  • Lots of migration also goes to Western Europe🏃
  • More settlements into Western Europe🏡
  • Northern Europe is lightly settled🙇
  • Most populated country is Germany👪


  • Absolute Monarchy: King & Queen👸; Parliament enforces laws👮
  • Good relations with Americas over political issues and views👀
  • Used to be countries of Soviet Union or dominated by Germany🇷🇺
  • European Union- European countries together for problems, money, and government🌏
  • Most of Europe is apart of the political group👬
Photo by rmlowe


  • 3 Main languages: Germanic, Romance, & Slavic; Germanic is biggest🎤
  • Main religion throughout region is Roman Catholicism📖
  • Cultural Syncretism- Mix with Indian & Pakistan culture impact region🍛
  • Indian & Pakistan cultures have greatly impacted foods & ways of life📋
  • High number of Jewish people mainly in Germany; Also in other countries🌟



  • Longest mountain chain are the Ural Mountains🗻
  • Ural Mountains almost separate Russia into East & West↔️
  • Land is full of plains, consisting of forests, home to wolves & bears🐻
  • Climate is cold: Tundra & Subarctic Zone❄️; Deciduous Forest Veg. Zone🌲
  • Water throughout region is full of pollution 🙅😷


  • Commercial Farming is main economic activity practiced throughout region🌽
  • After Soviet economy, Russia was able to urbanize & increase transportation🚗
  • Coal is main resource found throughout region🚚
  • Privatization- People were able to buy agricultural lands & industrial companies💰
  • Since end of communism, Globalization has been growing throughout the region📬


  • Region is not very populated because land isn't very suitable for people🙍
  • Moscow is highest populated city in the whole region💂💂💂
  • Eastern Russia is nearly deserted; Too cold❄️😖; Not enough resources😧
  • Western Russia is mainly populated; Nearly everyone lives in this area👬👭
  • Lots of emigration to Europe= Negative growth to Russia⏬


  • Roman Empire was first to control the region until WW1💣
  • Soviet Union took over after, but failed after WW2💀
  • Countries used to be republics under Soviet Russia📋
  • Nearly all countries are now independent countries👋🚶
  • Russia still has problems between East & West👉🔪👈


  • 3 Main languages: Russian, Altaic, & Ukrainian📢
  • In western Russia, Less than 15% of people speak Russian🙊
  • Moscow is home to many Muslim immigrants👳
  • From the Post-Soviet generation, people have been influenced by U.S. & European performers🎤
  • Many people in the west have converted to Russian Orthodox Church⛪️



  • Eastern is full of grass and plains🌾Western is full of sand and desert🌵
  • Biggest desert is Gobi Desert🌵 Spreads mainly throughout east
  • Caspian Sea is biggest and main water source throughout region🌊
  • Desertification is main issue throughout region as water is very scarce😟
  • Very little plant life found in this region🔎👀



  • Main settlements are found throughout the middle of the region💡
  • Region is very sparsely populated as a whole🔅
  • Western China (Xinjiang) has contributed to the population growth⏫
  • Lots of emigration to Russia from people of the region🏃
  • Afghanistan is highest populated city👳👳👳👲👲👲💂💂💂


  • Lots of issues with the United States👦🔫👳
  • Region suffers from terrorist groups💣
  • Lots of protests on rulers throughout region
  • Soviet Union used to have rule and power in the region👑 (north parts)
  • Now region faces conflict from the struggle for independence📜


  • West is mainly Muslim👳; East is mainly Tibetan Buddhism👷
  • 3 Main languages: Turkic, Mongolian, & Tibetan📄
  • Region allows free religion, but is cautious that no tries to take over👀
  • Islamic Fundamentalism has grown as a powerful movement in south😳
  • Tibetan Buddhists were prosecuted with their religion; Now have open practice📖


3 Main Regions: East Asia, SouthEast Asia, & South Asia


  • Northwest and part of north is part of Gobi Desert🌵
  • SouthEast is full of multiple islands🌺
  • South of region is very hot☀️; Middle is warm & Cool💨;North is warm and hot⛅️
  • Western & Eastern Ghats are the biggest mountain chains in the region🌄
  • Plateau of Tibet of China- Takes up nearly all of the middle of the region🌿


  • Main economic activity is Commercial Fishing🎣
  • Few Special Economic Zones open privatization to be allowed🙌
  • Petroleum is main resource found in region🚖
  • If not fishing, Commercial or Subsistence Farming is practiced🚜
  • Region is not very wealthy as a whole, but wealth is found in parts💴


  • Main settlements throughout region are found along coastline🗾
  • China is most populated country in the region👷👲👷👲
  • 63% of population lives in rural areas🏠
  • Barely anyone is settled in the middle-west part of the region🚶
  • Negative Growth in the region due to little baby birth👶


  • Used to be full of Communism all through region from Soviet Union🙅
  • North Korea & South Korea have continued border issues🙇
  • Islamists in Indonesia bring strife and fragmentation= Hurt ocean shipping lanes🚣
  • Some countries still have no freedom from hangover effects of Communism😭
  • Japan is trying to get back to being main power in region, passing China= Conflict😷
Photo by Kate B Dixon


  • 4 Main religions: Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, & Christainity📖
  • Few cultures are allowed free practice in the region📚
  • Koreans, Japanese, & Chinas all have separate language in the region📢
  • Han Chinese dominates East Asia from China broad population👲
  • South Asia used to be under Hinduism; Now is mixed with British & Indian👳
Photo by Jelle Oostrom



  • Sahara Desert- Biggest Desert: Stretches across nearly all of North Africa🌵
  • Suez Canal- East Egypt, Helps trade between Europe & Asia📦
  • Drought & Famine- Large problems; Replaces traditional agricultural practices🌾
  • Zagros Mountains- Biggest Mountain chain; Separates SouthWest & Central Asia🌄
  • Arabian Peninsula- Covers nearly all of Saudi Arabia🗾


  • Oil brings great wealth to region💰💰💰
  • Oil= Development to countries in the region; Saudi Arabia🏢
  • Urbanization is occurring from wealth through oil🏣🏥🏦
  • Nomadic Farming is main economic activity🚜
  • Oil covers SouthWest Asia; Gas covers Central Asia= Great wealth💷


  • Central Asia is very little populated🏠
  • People settle anywhere they can find resources of water⛲️
  • Along the middle of region is where most people settle🏡
  • Istanbul is largest populated city👪👬👫👭
  • Turkey, Syria, Iraq, & Iran are largest populated countries👪
Photo by Eugene Regis


  • Saudi Arabia is in a land of fighting over its resource of oil by three big countries👊
  • Lots of conflict in Israel-Jordan area by Israelites👳✊👀👳
  • Saudi Arabia has conflict with Iran over slant drilling in their resource of oil↙️
  • Yemen is home to many terrorists groups💣
  • Many countries are stuck between conflicts within surrounding countries😫
Photo by Zamanalsamt


  • 3 Main Languages: Arabic, Persian, & Turkish📢
  • People dance for their fun💃
  • Very high in Muslim culture- Also Northern Africa👳
  • Muslim immigrants and traditions have made great impacts on Africans📚
  • Culture is mainly Islamic; Few Africans still have European culture present📖



  • Region is very hot☀️
  • North is occupied by Desert- Sahara Desert🌵
  • Nile River- Longest River in the world🌊
  • Plant life is very scarce because region can't support lots of life🌱
  • Middle Africa is best land for agriculture; Climate is best and not searing hot⛅️


  • South Africa is wealthiest country of region💰💰
  • Region is overall very poor👣
  • Main economic resource is diamonds💎
  • Main economic activity is Subsistence & Nomadic Farming🚜
  • Used to be open to trade between Europeans and Americans with slaves🚣


  • People all settle to the coastal lands; None in the interior🗾
  • Armpit of Africa is most populated area💪
  • Lots of urban migration🏢🏃
  • High Rate of Increase⏫
  • Stage 2 Country because migration is holding country✊


  • Nelson Mandela- 1st Black President👔💼
  • Used to be lands under European powers🇬🇧
  • New Democratic system trying to take over🚩
  • Multi-National State is found in this region🙏
  • Government is made of anything/everything🙀
Photo by LeeHoward


  • More of a rural culture🏠
  • Not very diverse in culture ranges⛪️
  • Culture is mainly traditional & conservative📖
  • Very high in gender inequality✂️
  • Dance is a fun thing to do in their culture💃
Photo by angela7dreams