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Published on Nov 20, 2015

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In this speech Jamie Foxx talks about people remember the march of Washington D.C forever and pass it on through generation to generation. He also talks about he went to lunch with Harry Belafonte. During his lunch with Harry Belafonte he speaks of Martin Luther king Jr. and made Jamie Foxx remember what happened and that he wants to remember.

Photo by Neon Tommy

The targeted audience for this is the generation now and the celebrities because he states that we should act now. He also says that our kids and their kids should remember this so he has to be talking to our generation 20+ age.

Photo by Haags Uitburo

The speakers purpose was to persuade people that they needed to remember the march of Washington D.C because it was an important point in history and because of martin Luther king Jr. He also states that we should act now so the next generation will remember it too.

During this there were protesters that wanted to make a change so they stood and held up signs. Most of the protesters were young adults and teenagers. The police had attack dogs which they would let loose and attack the protesters. Martin Luther king Jr. got arrested during this were he wrote his speech.

Photo by photonburst

1.) I was affected by the Trayvon Martin situation. I was affected by Newtown. I was affected by Sandy Hook. I'm affected by those things, so it's time for us now to pick up.
~ Repetition

Photo by coofdy

Pathos, logos, ethos
Pathos:He looked at my daughter and he said, "Martin Luther King -- Have you heard of him?" And we sat there and we cried.

Ethos: Mr. Gordy put Dr. King's speech on a album, and put it out on Motown Records, and then after he did that he turned around and gave those reels and those tapes back to the King family.

Logos:I'm going to tell you right now that everybody my age and all the entertainers, it's time for us to stand up now and renew this dream. That's what we've got to do.

Photo by dnudson