Think about any possible problem and then think of doable solutions.
Thing about sunny fields and endless corridors and when you try and go down one path but it takes your mind back to a comfortable state where nothing bad ever happens.
Try and thing of someone that makes you happy right now. Think of what makes you feel like that about them. It could be family, friends, or a special place.
Picture that your on the edge of a mountain and one step could easily take you out of your state of ease. Try and balance on that ridge and consider that you have the power to do so.
Imagine that your flying through the sky. You can either fly or you can glide through the sky. While you choose one, picture yourself soaring through the great blue and white. It’s warm here. You are safe. You are not scared. You have faith that you’ll stay afloat.
Now autumn may not be your most favorite season but pretend it’s fall. Your bored at home so you go out for a walk on a crisp fall day. On your walk there’s a nice cool breeze and it feels good. You here the crunch of leaves under your shoes. Enjoy it. Take a nice deep breathe knowing that nothing could ever ruin this fall evening.
Think about Christmas. Now think that the one thing that you want more then anything your going to get on Christmas Day. You must feel excited. Now think about a warm glass of milk and cookies your favorite. Enjoy this feeling in your mouth and think about it all day.