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World Religion

by: Ellie Holicky


  • a system of beliefs with set rules or guidelines
I chose this picture because it shows some of the many religions symbols.


  • someone who supports a system of set beliefs
I chose this picture because christians are adherents and the image is from a christian website.


  • a belief in a system with one god
I chose this picture because jewdaism is a form of monotheism and the image is a jewish star.


  • a belief system with many gods
I chose this image because it reminds me of polytheism. It seems like the of belief is spread over many gods in the image.


  • to believe in no god
I chose this image because it is a symbol of atheism.


  • the belief that there is a god but it is unknown and you are uncertain if it is true or fake
I chose this picture because I think it sums up the idea of the definition.


  • belief in the existence of a god or gods especially belief in one god as creator of the universe
I chose this image because it looks the hand is holding/making the earth which connects to the definition of theism.