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Religion Comparison

Published on May 15, 2019

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Religion Comparison

 comparison and contrast of Christian and Muslim creation stories
Photo by VinothChandar

Beliefs of the Christians

  • Christians believe that God created the world and all living things.
  • They believe that God sent Jesus to tell people about God's love, and that Jesus died to forgive humanity's sins
  • in the beginning they believe that , God created the universe.
  • creation story is found in Genesis 1 and 2 in the Old Testament section of the Bible, the Christian holy book.
Photo by Chris Karidis

Beliefs of the muslim

  • The religion of Islam is often thought of as beginning with Muhammad, who was born in Mecca in 5770 CE.
  • They believe that Islam has its origin in the very creation of man
  • Forty years later the word of God was revealed to him by the angel Gabriel, and this revelation was the first of many which were collected and came to constitute the Qur'an, the Muslim holy book.
Photo by Swamibu

Use of the text for Bible

  • Christians use the story of 'the fall' to explain why suffering and death have entered the world.
  • They believe that God will create a new and better world where those who have tried to live as God wants,

Use of the text for Qur'an

  • Muslims believe that humans have been given everything on earth to care for and look after.
  • The Qur'an teaches that Muslims should be thankful for all living things, for God is the creator of all life.
Photo by siraf72

the literary structure and style of the Bible

  • The struture is biblical
  • Also its a Historical narrative/epic
  • heres a couple of literary devices used
  • simile , metaphor,metonomy synecdoche

literary structure and style of the Qur'an

  • Muslims say the content and style is inimitable.
  • The language of the Quran has been described as "rhymed prose" as it partakes of both poetry and prose.
Photo by FreedomHouse


  • The Quran, the central religious text of Islam, contains references to more than fifty people and events also found in the Bible.
  • Only one god - called Allah in the Quran
  • Only one God - a triune being called God or Yahweh in the Bible
  • Muslims accept the Bible (especially the Pentateuch, Psalms, and Gospels) insofar as it agrees with the Qur'an
  • The Bible is the inspired Word of God that is complete and not to be added to
Photo by Daniel Y. Go