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Religion Comparison

Published on Nov 22, 2015

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Creation Story

Basic Beliefs

  • Holy Trinity: father, son, and holy spirit
  • Jesus is the son of God
  • Jesus earned God's forgiveness for us by dying on the cross
  • We can live forever with God by following Jesus Christ
  • Holy Book: Bible

What's the text used for?

  • Found in the book of Genesis
  • Teaches that God made everything
  • God made mankind in his own image
  • God made man out of dust and woman from man
  • Adam and Eve sinned, so all of mankind has sin

Literary Structure

  • Written in prose
  • Imagery used to describe the garden
  • Strong use of symbolism


Creation Story

Basic beliefs

  • There is "one, unique, and incomparable God"
  • Angels (worshipers of God) are honored
  • Believe in Al-Qadar (Divine Predestination)
  • There will be a day when God judges everyone
  • Believe in messengers of God - AKA prophets

What's the text used for?

  • Found in the Qur'an
  • God was in time before time
  • God just had to say it, and things were created
  • God made man out of dust and woman from man
  • Those who submit to God will live forever in Paradise

Literary structure

  • Written in prose
  • Imagery used to describe the creation of everything
  • Strong use of symbolism