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Religion Comparison

Published on Nov 19, 2015

Analyzing Biblical and Buddhist Parables


Religion Comparison

By: Karen Cranston

Basic Beliefs of Christianity

  • Jesus is the Savior
  • The trinity
  • Holy text is the Bible

Basic Beliefs of Buddhism

  • Budda is the founder
  • Follows the four noble truths
  • Follows the noble eightfold path
  • Encourages followers to meditate

Biblical Parable: "The Prodigal Son"

  • Purpose: To teach about-
  • God's forgiveness
  • Being humble before God
  • Forgiving one another
  • Manner: The father forgave the humble son

Buddhist Parable:The Thief Who Became a Disicple

  • Purpose: To teach about-
  • Showing kindness to strangers
  • Realizing your mistakes
  • Manner- Shichiri let the thief take the money
  • -The thief started over and became a disciple

Biblical Parable: Literacy Style

  • Allegory-A story containing symbolism
  • Prodigal son symbolizes a humble sinner
  • Other son- Symbolizes a legalistic Pharisee

Buddhist Parable: Literacy Style

  • Bildungsroman- When a charcter changes
  • The thief changes
  • He realizes his mistakes and spends time in prison
  • He ends up becoming a disciple of Shichiri