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Religion Comparison

Published on Nov 23, 2015

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Religion Comparison

Natalie Kumeh

Basic Beliefs

Photo by joo0ey

Belief in...

  • One God - Allah
  • Angels of God
  • Books of God
  • Prophets or Messengers of God
  • Judgement day (GPB)

MOre Beliefs

  • Belief in Divine Decree
  • They follow the five pillars. (GPB)
  • Allah is forever.  He knows all and can do all. (BBCI)

Five pillars

  • Prayer
  • Charity
  • Pilgramige to Mecca
  • Declaration of Faith
  • Fasting (GPB)

Beliefs of Christians

Belief in...

  • God and Jesus
  • The Trinity - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
  • Justification by Faith
  • Life after death
  • The Saints (BBCC)
Photo by Darksein

Belief in...

  • God and Jesus
  • The Trinity - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
  • Justification by Faith
  • Life after death
  • The Saints (BBCC)

Beliefs about God :
There is one God who is a Trinity, perfect, all powerful, and everywhere.
He knows all, created all, and loves all. (BBCC)

Photo by Valentina_A

purpose of holy text

Photo by MichaelRiedel

purpose of the Quran

Photo by *Muhammad*

The quran

  • Supplies a divine guidance  
  • Provides a direction for humanity to walk in 
  • The final revelation from God to humanity
  • God's Words to Muhammed
  • Teaches how to be the ideal person (ASK)
Photo by Fred Dunn

purpose of the bible

Photo by Tojosan

the bible

  • The scriptures inspire because it is the word of God
  • The scriptures are authority because God spoke it.
  • The scripture are reliable because they are our guide.
  • (GRACE)

structure of holy text

Structure of Quran


  • Structures include phonetic and thematic when in Arabic
  • "rhymed prose" - poetry and prose
  • A change in rhyme could be a change in subject
  • nonlinear structure = no beginning, middle, or end
  • lack of time order and repetiveness are additional structures

Style (cont.)

  • It speaks and makes reference to itself
  • (QURAN)

Structure of Bible

Photo by Matt. Create.

Style/structure (old testament books)

  • Historical books - Genesis, Numbers, Judges, etc.
  • Poetic Books - Job, Psalms, Proverbs, etc.
  • Prophetic Books - Isaiah, Daniel, Joel, Jonah, etc.

Style/structure (new testament books)

  • Historical books - Matthew, Mark, John, and Luke
  • Doctrinal Books - Romans, Galatians, Philippians, Hebrews, etc.
  • (GEORGE)

Works cited :

  • "Beliefs and Daily Lives of Muslims." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 20 June 2014.
  • ^^ (GPB)
  • "The Basics of Christian Beliefs." BBC News. BBC, 14 Aug. 2009. Web. 21 June 2014.
  • ^^(BBCC)
Photo by Kalexanderson

WOrks Cited (cont.) :

  • "Basic Articles of Faith." BBC News. BBC, 19 July 2011. Web. 22 June 2014. 
  • ^^(BBCI)
  • "What Is the Purpose for the Quran." - Ask.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 June 2014. 
  • ^^(ASK)
Photo by Kalexanderson

WOrks Cited (cont.) :

  • Morrison, Michael. "The Purpose and Authority of the Bible." Grace Communion International. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 June 2014.
  • ^^(GRACE)
  • "Quran." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 18 June 2014. Web. 23 June 2014.
  • ^^(QURAN)
Photo by Kalexanderson

WOrks Cited (cont.) :

  • George, Jim. "Literary Structure of the Bible." Christianity.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 June 2014.
  • ^^(GEORGE)
Photo by Kalexanderson