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Religion Comparison Project-Anvith Reddy

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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The story of creation

Christianity vs. Islam 

Basic Beliefs of Christianity

  • There is only 1 God
  • God is all-knowing
  • Jesus is the son of God
  • There is final judgment
  • The Bible contains the teachings/stories of God
Photo by felixtsao

Basic Beliefs of Islam

  • There is only one God(Allah)
  • God is all knowing and controls all
  • There is judgment after death
  • 5-pillars of faith to abide by
  • Qur'an contains the sacred text, and it is described by Mohammad
Photo by Malik_Braun

Purpose of the creation stories

  • Christianity- to describe how the world/universe erupted from the void.
  • Islam- describe ow the heavens were created, and how the universe came into being.
Photo by $@!k@t

Literary structure of texts (Christianity)

  • The Bible-contains 66 scriptures (Old/New testaments)
  • Creation story-Chronologically split up into 6 days , contained in the first chapter of the Bible

Literary structure of texts (Islam)

  • Qur'an- Poetic and Prose, interpreted by Mohammad, originally written in Arabic
  • Creation story- Also takes place in 6 periods. Qur'an does not specifically state what happens each day, but gives an outline.
Photo by Maymona

Christianity Creation Story

Photo by Suus Wansink

Days of creation

  • On the first day God identified what day and night were. He separated light from dark.
  • Next, God made the skies
  • Third, God made the land, seas, and vegetation
Photo by Suus Wansink

Days of creation continued

  • 4. On the fourth day God made the Sun, the stars, and the moon.
  • 5. God then made the creatures to fill the sea.
  • 6. Next made all the animals to fill Earth including humans
  • 7. On the final day God rested, and blessed all of his creation.
Photo by Suus Wansink

Islam Creation story

Periods of creation

  • On day one God took the throne, and affirmed his position as the creator
  • Next God created the tangible earth we live in
  • On the third day God created the Barzakh/world of lower ressurection/world of the grave

Periods of creation

  • 4. On the fourth day God created the world of greater ressurection/ the world to realize the soul
  • 5. Next,the world of paradise was created
  • 6. Lastly, God made the world above paradise.

Similarities between the two texts

Photo by kevin dooley

Common traits in the texts

  • Before creation was a void of darkness
  • There is one all knowing God who created everything
  • Creation took place in 6 days
  • We all are responsible to take care of what God created.


Photo by Rohit Chhiber

Differences in the stories of creation

  • In Chrisitianity we were created in God's image, but Islam does not see it that way because God is better than us.
  • In Islam God continued to create after the sixth day, but for Christianity the universe was perfect by the seventh day.

Differences in the stories of creation cont.

  • In the Bible it states that there is only 1 heaven. In the Qur'an God created seven.
  • We own what God created for us in Christianity, but in Islam we do not own what God created, but we have the right to do what we want.

Thank You

Photo by Claudio.Ar