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Religion Vocabulary

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Photo by DamienHR

Religion: A belief/faith and worship in superhuman power

This shows the belief in a religion from many different people.

Adherent: Follower/Someone who supports something like a person or ideas

This photo shows that the people next to god are his supporters and they believe in him and follow him.

Tenet/Belief: Belief honored by a person or group

This shows the belief or trust from a particular person in a religion.

Monotheism: The belief in only one god

This shows the number one, and it tells that the person is believing in only one god.

Polytheism: The belief in more than one god

It shows the many different religions together, and that a person can believe in the many different religions.

Atheism: Someone who doesn't believe in any god

This picture shows that they do not believe in anything; the red lines crossing it shows that it is not accepted.

Agnosticism: A person who neither believe or disbelieve in god

It shows that the person doesn't know wether to go with science or god and his hands and face shows that expression.

Theism: Belief in the existence of god/gods

It shows how the person is opening their hands kind of like to accept the god.