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Published on Nov 19, 2015

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By: Mack Mechle

Niccolo Machiavelli

Machiavelli is known as the father of modern political theory. He was born in and died in Flornence, Italy. He attempted to stop the Medici's from regaining rule, but failed and was punished. He was disliked by Pope Clement the Vlll, as he wrote The Prince, which showed how to stay in rule, which he thought took fear instead of love. His one famous quote is "Since love and fear can hardly exist together, if we must choose between them, it is safer to be feared than loved." He died in a village outside of Florence, and was put in the church of Santa Croce in Florence, which happened to be the church he was banished from. He is also famous for writing the treatise On the Art of War, various plays and poems, and 1524's satirical Mandrake.
Photo by hardlylove

William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare was a famous play maker who was born on April 23, 1564. He married Anne Hathaway and had a daughter and twins. He then moved to London and became a part of Lord Chamberlain's Men, which was an acting company in England. He wrote plays, and was also an actor. He made some very great early works, including The Taming of the Shrew, Richard lll, Romeo and Juliet, and A Midsummer Night's Dream. The company's was then shut down and was rebuilt as "The Globe Theatre", which became a popular spot in London. In his later life, he produced his greatest plays, such as Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, and Macbeth. He also made his greatest plays, such as Venus and Adonis. He later died in Stratford on his fifty-second birthday, which was April 23rd
Photo by lisby1

Johannes Gutenberg

Gutenberg was born around the year 1398 and not much is known about his childhood. In 1450 he created the printing press, which made education easier and gave a lot to the Renaissance. The first thing printed was a German poem, along with Latin Grammars and indulgences for the Catholic Church. He also printed the Bible, which gave everyone the chance to get one. The Bible sold for 30 florins, which was much cheaper than a transcribed Bible. There are still 21 of his Bibles, which can go for 30 million dollars each.


Raphael was born on April 6, 1483 in the city of Urbino, Itlay. He learned how to paint
from his father who was a poet and painter for the local Duke. His father then died when Raphael was age 11, and then became a famous artist in Urbino. He then moved to Perugia where he was taught by Pietro Perugino. In 1504 he moved to Florence, Itlay and was then considered a world class painter. He then took on commissions from the church, and in 1508 from Pope Julius ll. He painted rooms in the Vatican and made The School of Athens on one of the walls. He was considered then a great artist of Italy and his work was known for its variety, grace, and dignity. He was also an architect and became the Pope's chief architect in 1514. He died on a April 6, 1520 in Rome, Italy.
Photo by JustinMN