He was born May 3, 1469 in Florence, Italy. He died on June 21, 1527, in Florence, Italy. In his life he wrote The Prince (a handbook) about politics. He also wrote several poems and plays.
Martin Luther was a monk who began to question the practices of the Catholic Church when he was reading the Bible. October 31, 1517 he wrote 95 points why the was church corrupted and posted it by the church. This made him get excommunicated from the church.
Johannes Gutenberg is well known because he created the printing press. This allows more bibles to be made and made them less expensive and may more people could buy one for there home. This also allows people who don't know how to read learn.
During the renaissance the building where being built more like the Ancient Greece and Rome. They where usually built with arches,columns, and flat open ceillings giving it a Ancient Greece and Rome type of look.