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renewable energy resources

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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renewable energy resources

Photo by Andy Magee

Hydro-  Therm-  Geo-  Bio-

Photo by Brian Landis

solar energy

energy from the sun
Photo by Ted of DGAR


  • A. Availability and does not pollute
  • D. Less in cloudy days and none at night
  • D. Expensive, more than other types of RE.
  • D. Must be large, or can't produce enough

Nellis Air Force Base, NV. 72,000 - 25% for 12,000 people

Active vs. Passive solar energy

wind farm

group of wind turbines that produce electricity

why is wind energy a renewable resource?

Photo by Vvillamon

hydroelectric power

electricity produced by flowing water
Photo by Ashtropy

what is the source of energy in hydroelectric?

tidal power

Tidal Power types FYI

  • TSG: Tidal stream generator - kinetic energy
  • Tidal Barges: Potential energy - tide height 
  • DTP: Dynamic Tidal Power: 50km dams
Photo by cphoffman42

geothermal energy

energy from earth's interior

how does the water get hot in geothermal energy?

Photo by lydurs

Biomass energy

energy produced by burning organic matter
Photo by rwentechaney

what is the main sources or renewable energy?

Photo by MattysFlicks

what is ethanol and why is it added to gasoline?

Photo by millerm217