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Published on Dec 16, 2015

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Photo by garryknight

Which layer of the uterus contains a thick lining of blood tissues to nourish a developing fetus?

Photo by yarnivore

In which procedure are eggs removed and fertilized with sperm outside the body before being transferred to the female uterus?

Photo by rekre89

What glands in the breast produce milk to nurse an infant?

About how often does ovulation take place in the female reproductive system?

Photo by ecstaticist

After ovulation, how does the ovum get from the ovary to the uterus?

Photo by mira_foto

What does STD stand for?

Photo by Philippe Put

What is the term for sperm together with a thick fluid that nourishes the sperm?

Photo by joysaphine

Which disorder is the inability to conceive or produce a child?

Photo by kendiala

If a person contracts an STD, who should also be treated?

Photo by alexperuso

What is the name of the male gonads?

Photo by Rob Swatski

What is the male organ used for intercourse?

Photo by J.Gil

What is the female organ used for intercourse?

In which STD is the body's immune system under attack and unable to fight off infections and diseases?

What happens to the vagina to allow for intercourse and childbirth ?

Photo by Duke Geren

Which STD involve sores that form painful ulcers?

What are the benefits of the scrotum being located outside of the body?

In which of these STDs may the male experience a green-yellow discharge?

How are STDs passed on to others?

Photo by mr.beaver

What is the name for the external structures of the female reproductive system?

Photo by nosha

Which of these glands secretes a fluid that neutralizes acidity in the surroundings to help sperm survive?

Photo by Szecska

What is the name of the female gonads?

Photo by Karen Roe