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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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"The nomad is only passing through; s/he makes those necessarily situated connections that can help her/him to survive, but s/he never takes on fully the limits of one national, fixed identity. The nomad has no passport – or has too many of them."

Braidotti, Rosi. 2011

PostcOloNial Femenism

Globalization, Transnationalism,
and Art

Activism, Digital Media, and Political Reform in Iran

Difference is not difference to some ears, but awkwardness or incompleteness.
Aphasia… you who understand the dehumanization of forced removal-relocation-reduction-redefinition,
The humiliation of having to falsify your own reality, your voice---

Trinh T. Minh-ha
Woman, Native, Other (1987)

PostcOloNial Femenism:
Politics of representation
who speaks, who represents, and who or what is being represented
questioning and reinventing the modes of cultural perception — the ways of viewing and of being viewed

Focus is on the entanglement of power differentials.
Explore strategies of resistance, in particular, the role of bodies, silence, writing, sexualities,vulnerabilities, and pain in processes of decolonization and disidentification.

Globalization and Art
“The formation of a diaspora could be articulated as the quintessential journey into becoming; a process marked by incessant regoupings, recreations, and reiteration. Together these stressed actions strive to open up new spaces of discursive and performative postcolonial consciousness.”
― Okwui Enwezor

Key Questions:
Explores artistic expression of the transnational encounter between people, cultures and institutions interconnected by the forces of globalization,

(anti-) colonialism and revolution to postcoloniality, migration and diaspora. Attention is also paid to the ways in which the Iranian artists deal with the themes of emancipation, hybridity, displacement, globalism and cosmopolitanism.


"The roots of rebellion lie in exploitation, oppression and humiliation. However, the possibility of rebelling without being quashed immediately depends on the density and speed of mobilisation and that depends on the ability created by the technologies which I have classified as mass self-communication."
― Manuel Castells,

Photo by Beshef

Ethics of new media
Blurred distinctions between human, animal, technological, and divine by applying the lens of post-human theories

Photo by Huasonic