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Resisting in WW2

Published on Nov 26, 2015

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Resisting in WW2

By Jerrod Daly

The ways of resisting

  • When the nazi's started the take over Jewish people never really resisted.
  • Resistance was by commiting suicide.
  • Their are cases of fighting back but it never lasted long.
  • After some time of the resistance the nazis made panzer groups.
Photo by A. A. Brown

The major resistance

  • Other countrys made resistance groups aswell.
  • The groups were desighned to defend the country.
  • No one really interfeared with germany.
  • Warsaw is the only real major resistance.
  • The polish resistance was the resistance for warsaw.

Fight the gas

  • The Jewish people would fight at the chambers.
  • Part of the "suicide resistance" was knowing you would die.
  • They knew that death would come but they fought anyways.
  • Jews knew gas chambers because of the smell and the soilders.


  • After the Jews resisted Germany bombed it.
  • The resistance against Warsaw was one of the biggest.
  • The jews had guns and gear even though they were sick.
Photo by Marion Doss

gun control

  • The Jews inside of camps would trade guns.
  • The armor Jews wore was made or stolen.
  • When a Jew had a weapon they would be killed.

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