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Published on Nov 24, 2015

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By Mollie Leiva

deference to a right, privilege, privileged position, or someone or something considered to have certain rights or privileges; proper acceptance or courtesy; acknowledgment:

Say something nice
Get all group members to sit in a large circle, and give each one a sheet of paper. Have each person write his name at the top of the page, and pass the sheet around the group. At the bottom of the paper, each person writes one thing he values about the person whose name is on the sheet, folds it so the next person cannot see what he has written, and passes it on. This continues until everyone receives back the sheet with their name on it. Have each person silently read what others have written, and encourage them to preserve this list and look at it any time they feel their self-respect or confidence go down.

Place “mines” – objects such as cones or bowling pins – small distances apart, in a random fashion. Divide the group into pairs. In each pair, one person is blindfolded and left on one side of the mine field, and the other person – the “guide” – is at the other end and cannot enter the field. The activity consists of the “guide” calling out instructions to the blindfolded person to help her walk across the field, avoiding the “mines.” On successful completion, the pair swaps roles, with the blindfolded person now becoming the “guide.” This activity creates trust and respect for the judgment of the "guide"

Different, yet same
Create groups of five people and give each group two sheets of paper. On one sheet, ask the the group to list something the entire group has in common, other than traits that they can see, such as all having hair. On the other sheet of paper, ask the group to list at least two unique qualities of each person in the group. Again, it should not be something which is obvious or that everyone can see, but a characteristic. This activity serves to create respect as people realize their commonalities, learn something new about each other, and focus on their uniqueness.

Respect game
Make an movie on a person who is respectful like a person who is holding the door, saying please and thank you, yes ma'am and yes sir or miss, etc.