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Published on Dec 07, 2015

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December 7, 2015

Lung Capacity

  • Tidal Volume: amount of air breathed in and out during resting
  • Vital Capacity: the max amount of air that can be breathed in and out
Photo by liverpoolhls


  • a very short tube
  • at the ends have alveolus- moist lining and thin walls full of capillaries
  • this is the surface where gas is exchanged

Gas exchange

  • oxygen from inhaled air is dissolved and goes to the alveoli
  • oxygen diffuses into red blood cells- haemoglobin
  • CO2 is dissolved in plasma-- goes to lungs and moves into alveoli


  • Blood moves fast- more gas exchange
  • Many alveoli (300 mill)- more surface area
Photo by cdsessums


  • Happens in every cell all the time
  • it takes oxygen from air and releases CO2
Photo by PacificKlaus

Aerobic Respiration

  • energy is released when sugar molecules react with oxygen
  • glucose + oxygen => carbon dioxide and water

Anaerobic Respiration

  • Not enough oxygen for aerobic respiration to happen
  • Ex. Sprinting- not enough O2 taken in- need to produce lactic acid- then take in needed O2 later
Photo by AdamKR


  • Breathing is important to live
  • What happens when people do actions to hurt themselves? Is it wrong?

Should smoking be illegal?


  • You must find 4 strong arguments to support the side that you are on
  • One paragraph as support for each argument is to be brought to the debate on Friday
  • Graded on Communication and Research